Written on the request of the Rambler.
Once upon a time a slightly younger Catzy, at the time called Charles, was browsing through an image site she'd found by mistake. Said image site was called E-shuushuu and is still regularly visited by Catzy because of it's worksafe material of high quality, but that's a whole other story.
In the comment section I found a link to a site I had never seen before, a site with articles full of potholes and weird words Charles did not understand. Charles simply closed this site without further investigation. (It seems that when Charles refer to herself in third person Charles wants to call herself Charles and since that was Charles name at the time I''ll just refer to myself as Charles in this text)
However it seemed this site followed Charles. It started popping up everywhere! On forums, on Google, even some internet friends brought it up.
Soon Charles had become curious about the contents of the site and decided to read something from it. At fist this was nearly impossible because of all the words (What's a Freudian Excuse? Who's The Scrappy? Poe's Law?) but within a few weeks Charles could understand every single one of them and completely fallen in love with the site.
And that was the story of how I, Catzy formerly known as Charles, first found TvTropes. Today I can not imagine a life without it, it has become the source of information, inspiration, recommendations (for manga, video games and books) and some way to say fun that ends with -ation! I have also introduced several of my friends to TvTropes with varying results and it has changed the way I talk. TvTropes even has a trope called TvTropes Will Ruin Your Life to explain the addiction it caused but in my case it didn't ruin it, it enchanted my life! Or something...
So there you have it Rambler, the story of how I found TvTropes. At least I think that's how it went.
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