Monday, August 1, 2011


I used to have really awesome dreams, so awesome I used to write them down and blog about them and tell people about them, but now it seems I'm in a period of boring dreams. Normally my dreams consists of things like me running around being badass and fighting insane murderers, mario snowmen and doing awesome stuff but the last week it's just been confusing and boring dreams on the rare associations that I actually remember them. This is a little depressing.

My nightmares never involve dark woods or graveyards or post-apocalyptic scenery, that stuff is just ordinary awesome dreams. My nightmares are about water.
It might just be because I'm sick and my mind is too tired to make up fun stuff but it's still really freaking annoying. Sleep feels much more exciting when you have cool dreams, even if said dreams would sometimes be classified as nightmares in the eyes of most people while my actual nightmares would be classified as normal dreams for most people.

I am considering writing about some of my dreams here on this blog but at the same time I don't really have the energy to and well, as i mentioned my dreams aren't all that entertaining at the moment so I guess I won't do it right now at least. Oh, by the way: I really got to stop this nonchalant meh-attitude I tend to have over my blog. It's probably not very pleasant to read.

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